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Developing Locally

Before serving/building your project for the first time, open terminal in the repository root and run bundle install. The Gem “bundler” will manage dependencies based on the project’s “Gemfile”, and generate a new “Gemfile.lock” with the full list of dependencies being used. From then on, you will use bundle exec to prefix Jekyll commands to ensure you are using the bundled dependencies.

When developing the collection locally, use bundle exec jekyll s to start the development server. Jekyll will serve the site at the local host url so the links will look like

In the background, Jekyll generates the site and outputs the files to the “_site” directory in your project repository. Ruby provides a development server from that location.

By default the Jekyll environment is “development” when using jekyll s. In this environment CollectionBuilder skips some template elements to cut down on build time, including these _includes:

  • head/item-meta
  • head/page-meta
  • head/analytics