Create a Collection

Steps for Creating a New Collection With CB-CSV

Metadata Prep

  • In your metadata spreadsheet, create objectids for your collection items, use one word (such as tabor for Tabor Photograph Collection) + three zeros (ex: tabor001, or more zeros if larger collection)
  • Make sure your jpegs and pdfs are all together in one folder, ready to be added to the repository

Content Advisory

If there are images that are offensive or may be triggering for users, turn on a content advisory feature by opening the _data/theme.yml file and giving the “content-alert” variable the value true.

You will also need to add a new column to your metadata titled “sensitive”. For every photo that you would like to be blurred in the collection, add the value yes to its “sensitive” field.

Create Derivatives

  • Navigate to the collectionbuilder-csv-template repo on GitHub
  • In the branch dropdown, create a new branch with name based on the collection name you used in your objectid (tabor). Use only lowercase letters for branch name, preferably one word.
  • In GitHub Desktop, fetch and pull the changes to the collectionbuilder-csv-template repository.
  • Switch to the new branch you just created, and open it in Visual Studio Code.
  • In the base of the repository, create an objects folder and add the collection’s digital objects to it.
  • In the terminal, run the command rake generate_derivatives. This will create thumbs and small folders inside your objects folder, inside of which you’ll find newly-created thumbs and smalls of the collection objects.

Place Objects on Server

  • On the library web server, navigate to /digital/objects/, and create a new folder based on the name you gave to the collection’s objectids and GitHub branch (in this case, the folder name is tabor).
  • Make sure that the rake generate_derivatives task is complete before doing the following steps.
  • Copy and paste the full sized objects from your repository’s objects folder into this new tabor folder.
  • Copy and paste the thumbs and small folders (along with their new content) from your repository’s objects folder into the new tabor folder.
  • Delete the objects folder from your repository.

Add Object Paths to Metadata

  • Return to your metadata spreadsheet in Google Sheets, and add the following fields if they are not present already: display_template, object_location, image_small, image_thumb. Use Google Sheets formulas to fill out these fields based on the objects’ formats and their location on the library web server. Use the following resources for help with this:
    • Example metadata (do not edit!):
    • Metadata Guidelines: