Auditing Public-Facing Profiles

VERSO – Liaisons Auditing Profiles – Documentation

Contacts: Jeremy, Devin, Norm

1 - Task

The Research Impact Team would like liaisons to review VERSO profiles in their liaison areas to ensure the following:

  1. All faculty are included (post-docs and other researchers will be addressed later).
  2. Information in profiles is of good quality.

VERSO link to liaison areas

Section 3.1 – Research Unit Pages:

Section 3.2.1 – Overview Tab:

Section 3.2.4 – Optional: Playing Around with VERSO Capabilities

3 - Workflow

3.1 - Research Unit Pages

Video Timestamp: 1:00 – 2:30

  1. Navigate to the “researchers” tab of your liaison area’s page. (VERSO link to liaison areas)
  2. Compare the collection of researchers on that page with the directory or the Shared Spreadsheet.
  3. Make note of any missing faculty.

3.2 - Individual Researcher Pages

3.2.1 - Overview Tab

Video Timestamp: 2:30 – 4:50
Double-check the following fields:

  • Name
  • Organizational affiliations:
    • Ensure all affiliations are listed.
    • Academic rank should be on top.
  • Bolded text underneath the profile picture should display academic rank.
  • Education section:
    • Does it exist?
    • Does it contain relevant information?
  • (If applicable) Research topics and keywords

Note any corrections in the Shared Spreadsheet.

3.2.2 - Output Tab

Video Timestamp: 4:50 – 8:30
Using researcher web profiles or Google Scholar profiles, check for errors in research output metadata, such as:

  • Publications that don’t belong to the researcher.
  • Typos in the title field.
  • Incorrect categorization (e.g., journal article marked as book chapter, etc.).
  • Duplicate/redundant entries.
  • Missing significant outputs.

Do not record these issues in the shared spreadsheet. Note them elsewhere and send them to Jeremy, Devin, or Norm.

3.2.3 - Projects/Awards/Activities Tab

Video Timestamp: 8:30 – 9:30
If you think this section should be prioritized over others (e.g., improving the education field, adding researchers, or refining the research outputs tab), contact Jeremy, Norm, or Devin.

3.2.4 - Optional: Playing Around with VERSO Capabilities

Video Timestamp: 9:30 – End

  1. Sign in using the “Sign In” button in the top-right corner.
  2. Explore the following menus:
    • “Add Content” (top right).
    • “Edit Profile” (top left).
  3. Report any potentially useful capabilities to the Research Impact Team.