Auditing Public-Facing Profiles
VERSO – Liaisons Auditing Profiles – Documentation
Contacts: Jeremy, Devin, Norm
1 - Task
The Research Impact Team would like liaisons to review VERSO profiles in their liaison areas to ensure the following:
- All faculty are included (post-docs and other researchers will be addressed later).
- Information in profiles is of good quality.
2 - Important Links
Section 3.1 – Research Unit Pages:
Section 3.2.1 – Overview Tab:
- CALS - People in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- CAA - Meet Our People
- CBE - Our People
- COEHHS - Meet Our People
- COE - Our People
- Law - Faculty
- CLASS - CLASS Faculty
- CNR - Faculty
- COS - Faculty & Staff
Section 3.2.4 – Optional: Playing Around with VERSO Capabilities
3 - Workflow
3.1 - Research Unit Pages
Video Timestamp: 1:00 – 2:30
- Navigate to the “researchers” tab of your liaison area’s page. (VERSO link to liaison areas)
- Compare the collection of researchers on that page with the directory or the Shared Spreadsheet.
- Make note of any missing faculty.
3.2 - Individual Researcher Pages
3.2.1 - Overview Tab
Video Timestamp: 2:30 – 4:50
Double-check the following fields:
- Name
- Organizational affiliations:
- Ensure all affiliations are listed.
- Academic rank should be on top.
- Bolded text underneath the profile picture should display academic rank.
- Education section:
- Does it exist?
- Does it contain relevant information?
- (If applicable) Research topics and keywords
Note any corrections in the Shared Spreadsheet.
3.2.2 - Output Tab
Video Timestamp: 4:50 – 8:30
Using researcher web profiles or Google Scholar profiles, check for errors in research output metadata, such as:
- Publications that don’t belong to the researcher.
- Typos in the title field.
- Incorrect categorization (e.g., journal article marked as book chapter, etc.).
- Duplicate/redundant entries.
- Missing significant outputs.
Do not record these issues in the shared spreadsheet. Note them elsewhere and send them to Jeremy, Devin, or Norm.
3.2.3 - Projects/Awards/Activities Tab
Video Timestamp: 8:30 – 9:30
If you think this section should be prioritized over others (e.g., improving the education field, adding researchers, or refining the research outputs tab), contact Jeremy, Norm, or Devin.
3.2.4 - Optional: Playing Around with VERSO Capabilities
Video Timestamp: 9:30 – End
- Sign in using the “Sign In” button in the top-right corner.
- Explore the following menus:
- “Add Content” (top right).
- “Edit Profile” (top left).
- Report any potentially useful capabilities to the Research Impact Team.