More Stuff

The basic workflow is everything you need to version control your work in personal repositories. Of course, things get more complex when collaborating with a team or contributing to a project. Workflow strategies (Github flow, Gitflow, feature branch, etc) There is LOTS more to learn about Git!

Here are a few suggestions for the next topics to master:

GitHub Fork

Forking is a GitHub concept. It allows you to create a new copy of a repository, yet maintain a connection so that changes can be exchanged between them via “pull requests” (PR).

git branch

Branching is a Git fundamental that allows you to test out ideas in parallel to your main repository without disrupting the master copy.

git branch newbranch 
git checkout newbranch
git checkout -b new2
git branch --list
git branch -D newbranch

git merge

Once you have branches, you will want to merge them together.

git checkout -b new3
echo "new stuff" > newfile.txt
git add newfile.txt
git commit -m "new stuff"

git checkout master
git merge new3
git branch -D new3


Create a .gitignore file in the repository to tell Git to ignore things.


There are a variety of GUI apps available for managing and visualizing Git repositories. However, one of the most handy methods is to use a good text editor with Git support built in.


GitHub pages is a quick and easy way to host static web pages. It is enabled from the “Settings” for a repository. There is three options:

Once published your website will be [username][repositoryname]

For example,