Demo: University Data
In this demo we are going to play with a data set about University endowments harvested from Wikipedia—so it is very messy!
Download universityData.csv
The university endowment demo data is from the Enipedia OpenRefine Tutorial.
- Create project
- check character encoding, options
- Refine never over writes your original data, it creates a copy!
- information is not sent over internet
- Column basics
- text filter
- faceting
- edit cells / facets
- transform,
, find & replace,value.replace("old","new")
- undo/redo
- clustering
- split into multiple columns
- combine columns (tricky because combining blank cells results in an error)
- facet by blank, combine only non-empty cells
- transform,
value + " " + cells["col 2"].value
- remove / reorder columns
- Export basics
- OpenRefine project
- many formats!
- templating
- export is always a new copy of data, never alters original!
- Automate basics
- Undo/Redo copy
to txt file (use text editor, not Word) - create new project with original file
- Undo/Redo paste saved extract into
- Undo/Redo copy
- More!
- Star / Flag & remove rows
- create new column with transform
, numeric facet - deduplicate
- sort by, permanent reorder
- blank down / fill down
- fetch URLs
- basic geo code lookup,
"" + escape(value, "url") with(value.parseJson().results[0].geometry.location, pair, +", " + pair.lng)
- basic geo code lookup,
Demo: Web Scrape Craigslist
- Create new project from Clip board
- paste in
- paste in
- create column by fetching url, named “search”
- on “search” column:
- create column based on called “links”, using transform to get only the <a> with class=”hdrlnk”,
forEach(value.parseHtml().select("a.hdrlnk"),e,e.htmlAttr("href")).join(" ; ")
- create column based on called “links”, using transform to get only the <a> with class=”hdrlnk”,
- remove the first column and “search” column
- on “links” column:
- split multivalued cells on
- add links with transform,
- add column by fetching url, named “ads”
- split multivalued cells on
- on “ads” column:
- get title: add column based on “ads” named “title”, grabbing span class=”postingtitletext”,
- get price:
- get category:
- get title: add column based on “ads” named “title”, grabbing span class=”postingtitletext”,