The engineering profession affords an exciting opportunity for those interested in using scientific principles to create useful works for the benefit of man.

The College of Engineering is meeting the challenge of preparing young men and women for a very wide variety of careers in the engineering profession. Our essential objective is to provide a sufficiently basic but practice related professional education so that our graduates may develop and find their best and most satisfying niches in the complex real world of professional engineering. A professional man’s advancement depends on how he builds on the basic knowledge he acquired during his formal education; this is especially true for an engineer because the exploding rate of new scientific knowledge will rapidly force him into obsolescence if he does not keep abreast of the time. We expect that our 1969 graduates will join almost 3,500 College of Engineering alumni in demonstrating their ability to build successful professional careers on their University of Idaho educational experience.

From the 1969 Gem of the Mountains Digital Yearbook