“Today agriculture has grown into an exacting science, and the University of Idaho can claim the title of being one of the top agricultural schools in our nation. Students come from all parts of the world to learn the skills connected with agriculture that are taught here. 

Practicing a three-fold program of teaching, research, and service, the University has a farm of 800 acres with purebred animals and equipment for extensive scientific study. The scientific findings each year are converted into practical improvements and new ways for better utilization of the land and its products. 

The spirit of Idaho runs deep - nowhere is the spirit of loyalty and earnest effort stronger than in those students who attend the College of Agriculture and who seek to draw their future livelihood from Idaho soil.”

Harvesting grain on the University farm is an annual task of the students of agriculture at Idaho. Farm equipment on the rolling Palouse hills near Moscow, Idaho. From the 1956 Gem of the Mountains Digital Yearbook.