Pantie Raid for Charity

In the early 1950s, panty raids became a college craze across the United States. Large groups of male college students (sometimes up to 3,000) would swarm into the women’s dormitories, causing havoc and procuring undergarments. 

Although at many universities during this time the panty raids were destructive, at the University of Idaho the students turned the panty raid craze into a charity event.

“It all started when newly-elected ASUI prexy Ray Cox turned what might have been a campus-wide riot into a mass celebration of 2500 hypnotized students… how? Well, the Pantie Raid craze had swept campuses all across the country… Idaho was getting the fever… seems the only thing to do was make it legal… thus, a 3:00 a.m. mass movement of campus males into women’s living groups… breakfast, yet… on to the Union to auction off the undies… returns went to the Crippled Children’s foundation.”


From the 1952 Gem of the Mountain Digital Yearbook