Art and Architecture South



Built in 1904, the building on the left originally served as a men’s gymnasium and armory. After the Memorial Gymnasium was built in 1928, it served as the Women’s Gym until the early 1970’s and the advent of Title IX.  The building was then remodeled to serve as studios and office space for College of Art and Architecture students and faculty. In 1983, the building was added to the National Register of Historic Places. Currently it is known as Art and Architecture South.

The ‘then’ building on the right, Lewis Court, was built in 1911 as annex to the original Men’s Gym and used for winter military drill and recreation. During 1937-1938, it was a men’s dormitory. Then from 1938 until it was torn down in 1965, it was known as the Art Building. Completed in 1966, the ‘now’ Art and Architecture building houses art and architecture administrative offices, a computer lab, studios, and faculty offices. When the old Women’s Gym was remodeled in 1976, the building on the right became Art and Architecture North.

PG 1-54-10; today photo by UI Library Special Collections staff; Campus Photograph Collection