To the ‘Ad’ Building

You are the keynote of our campus; the emblem of our University. When we return from distant journeys, we are eager for a first glimpse of your commanding crest; and when we see it, we know that all is well. In you, we have a wealth that is priceless: a common symbol that links us all together. 

Your many moods reflect the beauties of all the varied days we spend here. They live wherever we go; glorious pictures painted in our hearts. We see you morning, noon and night, in all the seasons of the year. On winter mornings we look up a walk flanked by drifts, to your snow-rimmed towers over silent white-plummed trees. On soft June nights, the campus lamps - screened from our eyes by leaves - shine clear upon your walls, and show you as on a stage: an enchanted palace behind painted trees, against the deep-jeweled curtain of the sky.

As we approach you through a fog, you loom up with massive strength; but on most days we can see you wherever we go. We look for you then often, though seldom do we think about it. 

In early morning, your windows strike back the rising sun like fire. Often at sunset you stand in molten glory; and as it slowly fades, and your details blend, the I-tank looms dark above. It is thus that I like best to think of you’ for then the lamps burn softly, and we, your children, pass to and from with lightened hearts, at the end of a day. Another thread of reality has been laid upon the patters of our dreams. 

From the 1923 Gem of the Mountains Digital Yearbook